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Global equity solutions for a global client base

We work directly with institutional clients through segregated mandates and advisory services. We provide retail clients with choice through local pooled vehicles and Franklin Templeton's global fund platforms.

All of our equity investment teams benefit from the unique access to products and distribution that the Martin Currie investment platform provides.

Global equity solutions for a global client base

We work directly with institutional clients through segregated mandates and advisory services. We provide retail clients with choice through local pooled vehicles and Franklin Templeton's global fund platforms.

All of our equity investment teams benefit from the unique access to products and distribution that the Martin Currie investment platform provides.

All strategies

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Showing 3 of 3

Long-Term Growth
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Real assets
Income-focused returns from the upside of urban population growth.
Investment Universe
Investment Style
Investment Team
Asset Class
Real assets
Income-focused returns from the upside of urban population growth.
Long-Term Growth
Investment Universe
Investment Style
Investment Team
Asset Class
Real assets
Maximising returns from undervalued listed property