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Danruo (Danni) Yang, CFA, is a Client Portfolio Manager dedicated to the Global Long Term Unconstrained (“GLTU”) franchise. She bridges the gap between our investors and clients, enabling the investment team to focus on what they do best.

Danni has over 10 years of experience in the asset management industry across various asset classes.

Prior to joining Martin Currie in 2021, she was a Product Specialist covering ex-US equity strategies at Legg Mason (the former parent company of Martin Currie). Before Legg Mason, she was a Product Specialist at Man Group, rotating between the Alternative Multi-Asset team and Equity Long-Short business, and supported the growth of two flagship strategies. Danni started her career at AXA Investment Manager in the Global Distribution team based in Paris and London.

Danni holds a Master of Science degree from ESSEC Business School, Paris, where she specialised in Financial Markets.


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