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Active Stewardship is what sets us apart from others
To us, stewardship and sustainability and financial returns are fundamentally intertwined.
Stewardship is a critical element of our philosophy and is at the heart of all of our investment strategies. We have been a leader in all aspects of stewardship and sustainability since 2009, when we became an early signatory to the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
We have been consistently rated highly by the PRI and were one of the first asset managers to sign up to the ambitious new UK Stewardship Code.
Active Stewardship is what sets us apart from others
To us, stewardship and sustainability impacts and financial returns are fundamentally intertwined.
Stewardship is a critical element of our philosophy and is at the heart of all of our investment strategies. We have been a leader in all aspects of stewardship and sustainability since 2009, when we became an early signatory to the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
We have been consistently rated highly by the PRI and were one of the first asset managers to sign up to the ambitious new UK Stewardship Code.
of investment team
Dedicated stewardship and sustainability resources
of AUM
Assets with integrated governance and sustainability analysis
of AUM
NZAMI committed
Latest PRI rating*
*Source: Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) January 2024
Our teams have a clear focus on sustainable outcomes. To achieve the greatest impact, governance and sustainability analysis, engagement and voting should, in our view, be conducted by those making investment decisions rather than being outsourced.
Supported by our dedicated Stewardship, Sustainability & Impact team, our investment teams are best positioned to take a fully informed view of the sustainability risks, opportunities and impacts that companies face or create.
Stewardship publications
Stewardship insights
Stewardship Matters – Edition 13: Social Impact
This edition focuses on how equity markets can help tackle social challenges and the importance of this to investors.
- Date published
- 30 Sep 2024
- Tag
- Stewardship & Sustainability
Improving Society - 12 Days of Impact
Our '12 Days of Impact' calendar, seeks to shed light on some of the social issues affecting millions worldwide and highlight what companies around the globe are doing to combat them.
- Date published
- 1 Dec 2023
- Tag
- Improving Society Strategy
Introducing the Improving Society Strategy
Martin Currie’s socially focused impact strategy aims to positively address the problem of human inequity while delivering long-term capital growth.
- Date published
- 1 Dec 2023
- Tag
- Improving Society Strategy
Stewardship Matters – Edition 10: Making an Impact
With the industry focused on environmental products and solutions, we are directing our efforts to the social arena. The need to create a more equitable and fairer society is something we can all agree on and there are many public companies that offer solutions that are helping achieve just that.
- Date published
- 28 Jul 2023
- Tag
- Stewardship & Sustainability