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Martin Currie Australia

Leading innovator of Australian Equity, Real Asset and Multi-Asset Strategies.

Martin Currie Australia strategies

Since our genesis in 1949 as Australia’s first merchant bank, Australian United Corporation, Martin Currie Australia (MCA) has enjoyed a long history in active funds management, and more than 40 years of experience investing in Australian equities and listed Real Assets.

Today, as part of the broader Martin Currie business, and as a Specialist Investment Manager (SIM) within Franklin Resources Inc., we have evolved into a A$6 billion manager of Australian Equity, Listed Real Asset and Multi-Asset strategies. MCA is a division of Franklin Templeton Australia Limited (FTAL), and FTAL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Franklin Resources, Inc.


40+ years in Australian equities and Listed Real Assets


17 member team of specialist investment analysts

World class
ESG credentials


A$6bn in Australian equities*

*Source: Martin Currie Australia as of 31st December 2024

Meet the investment team

Based in Melbourne and led by CIO Reece Birtles, MCA’s team of specialist investment analysts focussed on using proprietary, bottom-up fundamental and quantitative research and our consistent investment philosophy and process to generate the best ideas for an extensive range of investment options, and building tailored portfolios aligned to client needs.

The MCA investment team fosters a passion for combining investment excellence, stewardship, innovative client focussed outcomes and a growth mindset. Each of our investment strategies benefits from this approach, and the close collaboration of the well-resourced and experienced MCA investment team.




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Featured insights

Featured strategies

Whether we are providing a sufficient retirement income stream, wealth accumulating portfolios with differing risk profiles, portfolios with client-specific exclusions or low carbon, we believe that flexibility is necessary to help our clients pursue their financial goals.

Stewardship is a critical element of our investment philosophy across all our strategies, and our Active Ownership approach, which includes ESG integration, engagement and voting, is embedded directly into our investment process.

See all MCA strategies here


Australia Value Equity

Active value focus for long-term capital growth.

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Australia Sustainable Equity

An active pathway to a Sustainable future.

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Australia Active Insights

A fundamental, factor neutral equities solution.

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Latest insights


  • Investment Capabilities Brochure

    An introduction to MCA, a leading innovator of Australian Equity and Real Asset and Multi-Assets strategies

    Find out more

  • Active Ownership Brochure

    Our wider purpose of Investing to Improve Lives is embedded deeply into MCA investment decision making

    Find out more

  • Stewardship Matters Magazine

    Active ownership is central to our approach a meaningful difference.

    Find out more

  • MCA Voting Disclosure Report

    Quarterly Voting records for clients who have delegated voting authority to MCA.

    Find out more