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Sam is a Portfolio Manager at Martin Currie Australia (MCA) and is passionate for using quantitative research methodologies to design, test and maintain disciplined investment processes.

Sam joined MCA in January 2021 as a quantitative analyst. He was promoted to Portfolio Manager in 2022 to co-lead the Active Insight strategy with Matthew Davison. Sam is also co-Portfolio Manager for MCA’s Tactical Allocation strategy.

Prior to joining the firm, Sam worked as a Quantitative Developer at Frontier Advisors and was responsible for delivering quantitative solutions externally and internally. Before this, Sam worked for NAB as a quantitative analyst developing statistical models.

Sam has a Bachelor of Science in Statistics from Northeast Normal University, a Masters in Commerce (Quantitative Finance) from the University of Sydney, and completed his PhD in Finance at the University of Melbourne. Sam is a CFA® charterholder and a certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM).

In his leisure time, Sam is an avid NBA fan, pursuer of kart-racing, but also loves to keep his analytic mind focused through complex Lego builds.

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