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Andrew is a Portfolio Manager at Martin Currie Australia (MCA) and a member of the Real Asset team with responsibilities for listed infrastructure, utilities and property.

Andrew joined MCA’s predecessor firm in November 2011 as a Research Analyst and has been the co-Portfolio Manager for MCA’s Property Securities and Real Income strategies since June 2016, and lead Portfolio Manager Global Real Income strategy since July 2020.

Prior to joining the firm, Andrew was lead infrastructure and utilities analyst at Austock He gained significant experience in project finance and credit analysis as an associate director at Société Générale, structuring, arranging, underwriting and advising on the debt side of numerous major transactions in the infrastructure and utilities sectors. Additionally, he also worked as a senior accountant with KPMG.

Andrew has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne, holds a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from the Securities Institute of Australia, and is a Chartered Accountant (CA).

In his free time, Andrew thoroughly enjoys outdoor activities with his family including running, swimming, surfing, skiing, wakeboarding, fishing, Golf, Jetski, snorkelling, Motorcross and even cliff jumping.

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