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Daniel is a Portfolio Manager at Martin Currie Australia (MCA) and a member of the Real Asset team with responsibilities for Global listed property, utilities and infrastructure research.

Daniel joined MCA in July 2015 as a Research Analyst and has been the co-Portfolio Manager for MCA’s Global Real Income strategy since July 2020.

Daniel has strong technical skills including financial modelling and research coupled with a thorough understanding of global commodity/equity markets through his diverse experience across Australian, European and global equities. He has previously worked at MCA’s predecessor firm as an associate analyst from 2000–2003 before moving to Dublin with Investors Group covering global energy, materials and utilities. He was then head of research at Global Value Investors in Sydney before holding a role at Hydro Tasmania in corporate finance.

Daniel has a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance and Marketing) from the University of Tasmania and holds a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from the Securities Institute of Australia, and is a CFA® charterholder.

Daniel is a keen hockey player and previously represented his home state of Tasmania.

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