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Jessie is a Client Portfolio Manager dedicated to the UK Equities team. She bridges the gap between our investors and clients, enabling the investment team to focus on what they do best. She has nearly 20 years of experience in the financial services industry with the majority of her career in client focused roles at investment managers.

Before joining the firm in 2024, Jessie worked at Border to Coast where she supported UK Local Government Pension Schemes. She also spent over a decade at Baillie Gifford where she worked with US based clients. Along the way Jessie, qualified as an Actuary and worked as a UK Pensions Trustee, giving her a holistic view of the industry.

Jessie has an BSc in Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics, is a Fellow of the Faculty and Institute of Actuaries and a CFA® Charterholder.  To balance out all of the mathematics, she enjoys running, hiking, skiing and is currently learning to skydive.

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