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The Martin Currie Australia Property Securities strategy is designed for investors who seek to maximise longer-term returns.

The Martin Currie Australia Property Securities strategy invests in a high conviction portfolio of Australian and Asian property and property-related securities trading below our assessment of intrinsic Valuation, whilst considering each securities’ Quality.

Skill and discipline are needed to discern between value controversies and value opportunities. The dedicated Real Asset team has the experience and knowledge of the Australian and Asian markets, and forward-looking insights into replacement cost rents and sustainable cash flows. This means that they can look through the short-term market noise and focus on the long-term normalised earnings power of companies to drive security selection.

Key Information

To provide an after-fee return in excess of the S&P/ASX 300 AREIT Accumulation Index over rolling three-year periods.

Portfolio characteristics Australia Property Securities
Objective Long-Term Growth
Asset Class Listed Real Assets
Style Value
Investable Universe Australian and Asian listed securities
Benchmark S&P/ASX 300 A-REIT Accumulation Index
Market capitalisation All cap
Regional limit Up to 30% in non-ASX securities from Asia ex Japan (including New Zealand)
Sector limit N/A
Security limit ASX listed: Benchmark +6%, no underweight constraint
Non-ASX listed: no more than 7.5%
Number of stocks Typically 20
Portfolio turnover Typically 30% p.a.
Forecast tracking error Typically 3% p.a. (ex ante)
Inception  1 August 1988

Why Invest in Australia Property Securities


Long term capital growth and income with lower risk than the equity market

We have put Australian accumulation clients at the heart of product design for the Martin Currie Australia Property Securities strategy.


Active management avoids value traps

Skill and discipline are needed to discern between value controversies and value opportunities. The dedicated Real Asset team has the experience and knowledge of the Australian and Asian markets, and forward-looking insights into replacement cost rents and sustainable cash flows. This means that they can look through the short-term market noise and focus on the long-term normalised earnings power of companies to drive security selection.


Focus on quality, liquidity and transparency

By investing only in listed securities, the portfolio’s high liquidity and transparent pricing avoids common problems faced by unlisted property funds and concentrated REIT benchmarks

Investment Team

Martin Currie’s suite of Real Income strategies are managed by the experienced Martin Currie Australia Real Asset team.

The strategy benefits from the close collaboration and deep industry expertise of wider Martin Currie Australia investment team and the broader Martin Currie global investment floor.

Andrew Chambers

Andrew Chambers

Job title
Portfolio Manager, Real Assets
Daniel Fitzgerald

Daniel Fitzgerald, CFA

Job title
Portfolio Manager, Real Assets
Ashton Reid

Ashton Reid, CFA

Job title
Portfolio Manager, Real Assets

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