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Susan is a Client Portfolio Manager dedicated to our Global Emerging Markets team. She bridges the gap between our investors and clients, enabling the investment team to focus on what they do best. She communicates with emerging markets equity clients on an ongoing basis and serves as a global representative of the investment team.

Susan joined Martin Currie in 2021 from Caxton Associates where she was a Portfolio Manager managing long/short equity portfolios. Prior to Caxton Associates, Susan was a Portfolio Manager at SAC Capital Advisors where she managed Asian long/short equity portfolios. Before this, her roles have included Senior Asia Analyst at Kingdon Capital and Vice President Financials Sector Head at Oaktree/Moon Capital, where she began her career in finance in 2003.

Susan attained a BA, Cum Laude, in Government from Harvard College at Cambridge, MA. Outside of work, Susan enjoys spending time with her family and has an active interest in history.

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