Martin Currie only conducts its official communications through the website or email. Please be aware of potential fraud or scams. We do not utilise WhatsApp, Telegram or any other messaging application. If you have any concerns over communication received from Martin Currie, please contact us here.
Martin Currie only conducts its official communications through the website or email. Please be aware of potential fraud or scams. We do not utilise WhatsApp, Telegram or any other messaging application. If you have any concerns over communication received from Martin Currie, please contact us here.
Please choose a team from the below options:

Jen Mair
- Job title
- Chief Executive Officer

Stuart Davidson
- Job title
- Chief Finance Officer/Chief Operating Officer

Michael Browne
- Job title
- Chief Investment Officer

Mel Bucher
- Job title
- Head of Global Distribution

Mel Bucher
- Job title
- Head of Global Distribution
- Telephone
- +44 (0) 131 479 4748
- Mobile
- +44 (0) 758 414 7720

Mark Elliott
- Job title
- Head of UK Business Development, Senior Client Portfolio Manager
- Mobile
- +44 (0) 779 5044 961

Francesca Moore
- Job title
- Senior Client Portfolio Manager

Susan Gim
- Job title
- Client Portfolio Manager, Global Emerging Markets
- Telephone
- +1 212-632-3263

Danni Yang, CFA
- Job title
- Client Portfolio Manager, Global Long-Term Unconstrained
- Mobile
- +44 (0) 7826548065

Jessie Wilson, FIA, CFA
- Job title
- Client Portfolio Manager, UK Equities

Aimee Truesdale, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Alastair Reynolds, ASIP
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Andrew Mathewson, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Colin Dishington, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Divya Mathur, ASIP
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Paul Desoisa, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Paul Sloane, ASIP
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

David Sheasby
- Job title
- Head of Stewardship, Sustainability and Impact

Lauran Halpin
- Job title
- Head of Impact Equities

John Gilmore, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager, Impact Equities/ Stewardship, Sustainability and Impact Specialist

Eoghan McGrath, CFA
- Job title
- Investment Analyst, Stewardship, Sustainability and Impact

Andrew Graham
- Job title
- Head of Asia

Jes Goh, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Zhang Yu, CFA
- Job title
- Investment Analyst

Zehrid Osmani
- Job title
- Head of Global Long-Term Unconstrained

Amanda Whitecross
- Job title
- Senior Portfolio Manager

Robbie McNab, CFA
- Job title
- Senior Portfolio Manager

Yulia Hofstede
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Sam Cottrell, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Jonathan Regan, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Anna Shevkunova
- Job title
- Investment Analyst

Jackie Cui
- Job title
- Investment Analyst

Aminah Ahmad
- Job title
- Investment Analyst

Kiranjot Grewal
- Job title
- Investment Analyst

Ashton Reid, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager, Real Assets

Andrew Chambers
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager, Real Assets

Daniel Fitzgerald, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager, Real Assets

Michael Slack, CFA
- Job title
- Head of Australian Equity Research

Naomi Bant, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager & Quantitative Research

Will Baylis
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Matthew Davison
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Sam Li, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager

Richard Bullas
- Job title
- Co-Head, UK Equities (Small & Mid Cap)

Ben Russon, CFA
- Job title
- Co-Head, UK Equities (Large Cap)

Dan Green, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager & Research Analyst

Marcus Tregoning
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager & Research Analyst

Will Bradwell, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager & Research Analyst

Jo Rands
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager & Research Analyst

Courtney Westcarr, CFA
- Job title
- Portfolio Manager & Research Analyst

Anna Samuel
- Job title
- Investment Analyst